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Cow adopts 7 orphaned puppies and even breastfeeds them

This story took place in India. The puppies lost their mother during birth and were saved by a cow, as she suckled all 7 orphaned puppies and adopted them as her own, writes valuablestories

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The story was first posted on Facebook, where it quickly went viral and several users were enamored with the beautiful breastfeeding scene.


The puppies had lost their mother during childbirth and the owners of the little ones did everything they could to feed them, but without success.

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After several attempts, a puppy took the initiative that would save everyone’s lives.

The little one went to where the cow was and started to drink the milk from her tit while she was lying on the floor, at no time did the cow show aggression or denial. The other siblings followed suit.

Now the adorable puppies, together with their foster mom, form a beautiful family.

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The cow allows the little ones to play with her calf. And they even sleep on their stomachs, but they still need to watch out for the foster mother’s movements, because a simple act of getting up can unintentionally hurt them.

Source: valuablestories.com

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