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Dog Was Left To Starve But After His Rescue Makes A Mind-Blowing Transformation

When Benji was found he was so poorly emaciated that he could barely walk 2 feet. He slept on a concrete floor and was the victim of passers-by who threw rocks at him and abused him for fun. Poor Benji looked as if he would never recover from the physical and emotional damage he had endured, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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When you see a dog like this you wonder if they will ever recover. Not just healthwise, but emotionally. Will they ever love, trust and be able to be loved? Thankfully, there was an animal rescue team in Cape Town that believed he would recover. But it would be a long journey.

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In the video, you can see that when Benji was given his first bowl of food, he thought it was a trick and that he would get beaten once he ate it. Despite his fear, he ate it anyway because he was just so hungry.

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I hate seeing animals like this. But every time there is a remarkable transformation I go from angry to happy tears because it’s just so beautiful to see an animal being given a real chance at love and at life.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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