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He Resolves To Survive After His Head Is Cut In Half, No One Expected He’d Make It

Time and time again, we read stories that make no sense, writes ilovemydogsomuch

How can anyone hurt an animal they’re supposed to love? Or how can anyone inflict pain on an animal they don’t even know? It’s beyond our understanding. All we can do is pray for their recovery and raise awareness so animal cruelty laws continue to evolve, forcing harsher punishments.

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One innocent animal, a dog named Sky, was hit so hard that his head was cut in half. No one is sure how he managed to survive the impact. It’s a miracle really. But once found by rescuers, immediate medical treatment would be his only hope to survive. It was a race against time.

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Sky’s skull was severed, his left eye completely lost. The impact destroyed his zygomatic arch. Muscles and nerves were so severely damaged as well as his jaw. The attack that was meant to kill Sky didn’t because his spirit is so strong– he hung on and fought for survival.

Sky’s only hope was to get maxillofacial reconstructive surgery. Sky’s jaw was locked which made eating and panting impossible. This had to be addressed immediately! It was life or death.

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After a CT scan, the medical staff decided Sky could survive surgery but it was an unprecedented one. Normally, a dog in this situation would be euthanized. But Sky seemed determined to live. He was doing well on pain medication and IV therapy.

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The operation was an extensive one. Amazingly, though, Sky’s surgery was a complete success! He can open his mouth and eat solid food. During his whole journey, Sky’s story was shared online. A family from Germany came forward pledging their hearts and their home to the amazing dog. His next step after recovery was to go HOME!

When Sky’s new mom and dad met him for the first time, they cried. Their tears were happy tears; they finally had him in their care and they knew he was safe forever. However, some tears were filled with sadness. They were sad that this poor dog had to endure so much suffering.

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When you adopt a dog that’s been abused, you feel all their pain too. You take on their trauma. It’s a bold act that some of us would do all over again, no questions asked.

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Sky even got a new sibling. He spends his new days playing. He loves to run and give chase. He loves his parents. He may look different but he has no idea. And no one around him judges. They realize he’s perfect, just as God intended.

Would you have saved Sky too? Watch the video below then share this fine dog’s brave story. We love you, Sky! Here’s to your new beautiful life.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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