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2 Women Trying To Help A Dog Trapped On Highway Nearly Killed By Drunk Driver

Shelby Stevenson was driving down the highway in Houston, Texas, when she saw a dog all alone, scared and shaking, in the middle of a lane. She knew if she kept driving, a motorist would likely hit the dog, so she pulled her vehicle over to save him, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She tried calling at least 18 people she knew to help but could not get anyone to come out. Finally, more good Samaritans stepped up.

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“So, I got him to lay down, and I called probably 18 different places, trying to get someone to come out here and help me get this dog,” Stevenson shared.


A driver named Kosandra Ramirez saw the disruption and pulled over to help along with a police officer on a motorcycle. Suddenly, the rescuers heard the sound of screeching tires and the sound of metal crunching. Stevenson looked up and saw cars racing towards her, vehicles spinning, and cars being hit. The police officer’s motorcycle was demolished by a drunk driver who then got out of his car and took off running.

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Animal control took the dog in, but they planned to euthanize him due to shelter overcrowding. Stevenson could not allow that to happen, especially after everything she and the others went through to save the dog. She pulled him from the shelter, named him Crash, and is now in the care of a foster family. The drunk driver was apprehended, and no one was seriously injured in the crash.

Special thanks to everyone who stepped up to save Crash’s life!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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