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7 Terrified, Sickly Pups Stuffed Into Plastic Bin & Tossed On Side Of Road

As the pandemic rages on across the world, we are learning of more and more cases of animal cruelty and animal abandonment, writes ilovemydogsomuch

I Love My Dog hopes by sharing stories like this one, people will speak up and spread the word about the frequency of animal abuse. Animal Protection Officers in Spokane, Washington came upon a plastic bin on the side of a road.

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On closer inspection, they discovered seven abandoned puppies all alone stuffed inside the bin. “All were terrified, freezing, and covered in their own feces and urine, and two were in critical condition,” Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) wrote on Facebook.


All seven babies were rushed to the veterinary clinic for urgent care. Staff got right to work on the two sickest puppies, but it was too late. Unfortunately, the critical pups were in such terrible condition that they did not survive. SCRAPS staff members are heartbroken and outraged. They ask for anyone with information as to who did this to get in touch with them.

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Information and tips can be phoned into 509-477-2532 or emailed to SCRAPS@spokanecounty.org. I Love My Dog reminds our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets. It is never a viable option to abandon or dump an innocent animal, as the outcome will likely be harm, abuse, death, or all three.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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