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Wet Kitten’s Collapsed Body Labored To Breathe As Rain Continued To Fall

Any animal that is in distress breaks our hearts. While we mostly do stories on dogs, every animal is special, writes ilovemydogsomuch

In many households, cats and dogs co-exist beautifully. Some are even best friends. This story is about a unique kitten that truly inspired us. The kitten, later named Horrera, was found barely alive. In fact, the family who discovered the kitten thought she didn’t make it. But they phoned Animal Aid anyway in case the rescue group could help.

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Thankfully, Horrera held on, but barely. Her tiny body was soaking wet after a storm had passed. She lay in a cement bowl barely breathing. When rescuers arrived, they had a small crate ready. They knew once they picked her up, they had to get her to their clinic as fast as possible.

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The rescuer bent down and picked up her limp body. He was afraid for her life fearing she wouldn’t make it. She was so small and fragile. He inspected her body and was relieved to find that she wasn’t wounded. It was unclear what had happened. Maybe she fell or was hypothermic from the storm. If she was hypothermic, then her organs were shutting down and they had to hurry!

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They arrived at the rescue center. The kitten was struggling to breathe. Her breaths were shallow and rapid. Her body was limp. No one had much hope but then something changed! Horrera was taken over to the exam table and the vet immediately gave her pain medication. Within minutes, her ears perked up a bit. This was an excellent sign.

Horrera was then placed on the ground to see if she could walk. She didn’t want to bear weight but then, a miracle happened! She began to look around and take in her surroundings. This was another excellent sign! She still wasn’t ready to stand but at least her eyes were fully open. They now had hope.

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The kitten was so stressed out after this that she lay on the table panting. Everyone was so worried about Horrera. It was time to put the kitten back in her kennel and let her rest. According to the video below, Horrera slithered into the corner, with the little energy she had, and wanted to “hide herself away.” Turning her back like this concerned the volunteers but they would not give up on Horrera. NOT EVER!

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While Horrera’s recovery was touch and go, things did start to improve. When she began to eat tiny bites of food, her new human friends nearly burst into tears. Her tiny body needed nutrients so badly. Eating was a pretty big deal. Not only was she feeling a bit better but she had the will to live!

What comes next is so amazing that we implore you to watch the video for yourself. Even if you don’t consider yourself a cat lover, this story may just convert you into one. This little angel has the spirit of a warrior! We applaud Animal Aid and all the good they continue to do for the community.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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