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Two Dogs Left Out In The Desert To Fend For Themselves Didn’t Trust Anybody

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Hope For Paws learned of two abandoned dogs out in the desert and set out for rescue. It was on the border of California, Arizona, and Nevada at a train company where the strays had taken refuge. The mother was very protective of her baby and did what she could to not only fend for herself but for her puppy.

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They would try and establish some trust with the dogs at first and offer them food and treats. The last thing they wanted was for the dogs to retreat back under the structure and hide. So rescuers put their minds together and spent the next two hours making a giant trap!

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They would have to leave the area and allow the dogs to become comfortable with the new set up, so they left food and water and went to a motel by the Colorado River. Rescuers returned the next morning and discussed the final plan of action. It would be a very stressful few minutes, but that was better than the alternative of letting them starve out in the hot desert.

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Phryne and Essie had never been touched by humans, so it made for a difficult rescue. But before they knew it, they were back at the hospital receiving nice bubble baths! L.A. Animal Rescue offered to foster the dogs, and the two have already made huge strides under them. Check it out in the video below! 🙂

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