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He Was Born Differently And Grew Up Afraid Of People, But Now He Is Loved By People All Over The World

It’s been a while since we’ve been able to tell you about the Quasimodo puppy, so we here to tell you about the current situation. This truly unique puppy is one of 15 in the world, writes theanimaljoy

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But his mother will insist that this puppy probably has nothing but herself. The short comb was a unique birth defect of this adorable furry girl. “He’s a real German Shepherdez… but just shorter,” his mother said. In Kentucky, he was raised as a dumb dog. Quasi was afraid of people and was very shy. However, it was not until he met the good mortal Rachel that his true identity was revealed.

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Now he is having a great time running in the snow, playing with the musketeers and chasing the girls. Quasimodo receives all the care and attention it needs from his mortal’s Secondhand Hound, a non-profit organization that rescues thousands of creatures simultaneously.

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He has to do some effects else from other tykes, like eating his food without bending down, but he’s now a happy, debonair doggy who has plant suckers each over the world.… including us!

Source: theanimaljoy.com

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