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Buckskin Stallion Horse Shows Off His Greatness After Being Freed By His Master

We all agree that Galineers Cob horses are considered by many horse lovers and owners to be the most beautiful horses in the world, writes theanimaljoy

People should keep in mind that Galineers Cob horses are unique and unlike other horse breeds, so they are usually easy to find just by looking at them. All horses are wonderful creatures, but Galineers is famous for its dignity and fame.

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A few years ago, this beautiful horse was simply used to pull wagons and other heavy-duty work, but today it has changed and it works with horse-riding trainers and owners in multiple areas. You can see. In the video below, you’ll be amazed at the gorgeous look of this amazing Galineers Cob Stallion. His name is Tuskin and he plays in a Liberty competition called Feather Horse Classic. His performance is truly magnificent and he definitely deserves to be a winner.

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This competition is largely unsuitable for horses with feathers on their feet, such as Friesian horses and Galineers Cob.

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As we doubted, Tuskin’s performance was excellent and he won the Grand Champion Stallion. This wasn’t the first time Taskin had won a tournament. He has a long career and has won many awards as a showhorse. Therefore, a task can be called a superstar.

What makes this horse special is its unique coat color, as it is one of the few Gypsy Banners horses in terms of suede color.

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But in addition to its unique color, it also has many alternative positive features such as beautiful appearance, beautiful movement and self-confidence. After the owner releases him and releases him, you can clearly see him showing His Majesty.

Watch the video for more information. Don’t hesitate to give us your opinion, and don’t forget to share the video with your friends and family to beautify their day.

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Source: theanimaljoy.com

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