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Man Ties 13lb Anchor To Dog’s Neck, Throws Him In River. Somehow, The Brave Dog Survives

One day, Audra Petraškienė from Lithuania saw a sight that she wishes no one ever has to see. What she saw shook her to her core, but she’s glad she saw it, as it helped save a dog’s life, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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When Audra was driving along a riverside, she noticed a wet, shivering dog on the riverbank. She also saw something horrific – there was a metal weight tied to the dog’s neck. Audra immediately got out and rushed to the dog’s aid.


The dog had a makeshift anchor tied around his neck and was then thrown into the river. But the brave little dog, named Toriuk, fought and swam his way back to the riverbank. Fighting her tears, Audra took the dog back to the vet, where it was confirmed that the anchor weighed more than 13 pounds!

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A police complaint was filed, and after some investigation, Toriuk’s original owner has been found. Apparently, Toriuk went missing recently and the main suspect was a neighbor who worked with the same material that the anchor was made of.

The police have arrested the main suspect and he is now undergoing a trial. If the suspect is found guilty, we hope they are punished to the full extent of the law for committing such a heinous act.

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Meanwhile, Toriuk has undergone treatment and is safely back with his original owner. He is now being showered with all the love and care in the world. Go Toriuk!

Click the video below to watch the moment Audra steps out of the car and approaches a terrified Toriuk.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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