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Horse Sees His Best Friend After 4-Long Years, Loses Control & Goes Mad With Joy

Horses Arthur, William and Harry were the best pals growing up, writes ilovemydogsomuch

These racing horses were the pride of UK resident Sue Blagburn, who loved her steeds with all her heart. However, tough times made her take the difficult decision to sell-off Arthur.

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But Sue missed him so bad, and so did William and Harry. Sue worked hard for almost five years, before she was able to re-purchase her beloved Arthur, whom she had raised from a foal.


When Arthur found his way back to his childhood home, Sue was unsure about how he would react to his former playmates. After all, the trio were so young back then that there was a possibility they would have forgotten each other.

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But, in this video, Sue’s fears fades away the moment Harry sees Arthur. The pair run towards each other and soon, William follows too. The trio seem to pick up right where they left off, as they nuzzle each other and roll together in celebration!

Sue was awestruck to see her babies prancing around in happiness, and so are we. Their beautiful reunion is a proof that true friendship never dies!

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Click the video below to watch the horses having the most uplifting reunion!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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