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He Screamed For Help In His Bed Made Of Snow Til Someone Finally Heard Him

The winter time is especially brutal for animals living on the streets. For one puppy, that laid in a bed made of snow, he was in so much pain and so fearful that he literally screamed when rescuers came close, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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A call came into Stray Rescue of St. Louis about the young dog. Knowing the conditions outside, the rescue group didn’t hesitate. They formed a search party and looked for him everywhere– until they finally saw him. The emaciated puppy was lying up against a telephone pole. He made his own little bed in the snow.

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As rescuers got out of the car to retrieve him, he began to scream. This is not something you hear often. And while it is heartbreaking, it shows just how much pain this poor dog was in and how much help he actually needed.


“This poor soul completely broke our hearts in two,” the rescue wrote on YouTube. “He was shivering and screaming in fear.”

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Getting him to trust them proved challenging. As they lifted his body with the help of a leash, they could smell that the wound on his side was surely infected. The rescuer held his sweet face in her hand and reassured him as best as she could that the hardest part of his life was finally behind him. His eyes said it all.

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Once the puppy was securely inside their car, he felt the warmth of the heater and realized, finally, that this was a mission to help him. Not hurt him further. His tail began to wag!

The rescuer named him Weezer.

Weezer went from using the snow as a bed to getting a real bed of his own once at the trauma center. He also got a thorough examination. He even gave the vet tech a sweet kiss, as if he was saying “thank you.”

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They determined Weezer to be about 7 months old. His wounds were deep and infected.

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They appeared to be from a harness that was left on at a very young age and when he grew, the harness cut his skin apart. The rest of his sad story is unclear but what is certain is that he is now safe and WILL NEVER suffer again.

Weezer is making tremendous strides with the Stray Rescue of St. Louis. His wounds are healing and he is getting ready for a forever home. For now, he’s living with a foster, learning how to be a happy little dog. His bed in the snow is forever in his past.

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See Weezer’s entire rescue in the video below.

If you’re interested in adopting Weezer or the many dogs who need homes just like him, click here and fill out an application.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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