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Dog Couldn’t Stop Shaking At Shelter, Until This Video Went Viral

When Neno’s owners couldn’t afford to take care of him anymore, they decided to surrender him to the Fort Worth Animal Care and Control, hoping that they would be able to find him a new family that could take care of him and his medical needs, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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But the drop off to the shelter put Neno in a state of shock. Being in an enclosed environment, and surrounded by dozens of barking dogs, took its toll on Neno and he began to shake uncontrollably.

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Shelter worker Paige King witnessed Neno sitting in the middle of the kennel with his legs tucked tight. He would turn his head sideways to avoid looking at her.


Seeing Neno in this state broke her heart, and Paige took a video of the shivering dog and put it up on Facebook. The post quickly went viral and this led to a few people giving Neno a visit.

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But everyone decided against adopting him, except for one woman – Laura Rodgers. When the shelter workers and Laura took Neno outside, they saw that his walk was very wobbly.

Laura suspected Neno had a neurological issue and that’s why he was surrendered in the first place. But she wanted to give Neno a new life. She had cried the first time she watched the video of Neno shivering. She had to give this dog a second chance.

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Laura adopted Neno and took him to the vet. That’s when it was discovered that Neno was anemic due to a tick infestation, had an underactive thyroid which needed to be stabilized. He also had heartworm. All this was before they could even perform any neurological tests!

But Laura is dedicated to helping Neno recover. Day after day, Neno is improving and he is loving his new home and family. We are thankful Laura opened up her heart and home to Neno and gave him a second chance!

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You can follow Neno’s progress on his very own Facebook page – Neno – The Former Shelter Dog.

If you’d like to help cover Neno’s ongoing medical bills, you can contact Syler Veterinary Clinic in Athens, Texas.

Click the video below to watch Laura’s first viewing of Neno’s wobbly walk.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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