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Starving Dog Stuck In Decrepit Home For 2 Weeks Feared People Would Never Find Him

An abandoned dog, later named Peeps, made his way into an old decrepit house through a basement window, and was unable to get out on his own, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He wound up being trapped in the house for two weeks without food or water. He was extremely malnourished, alone, and terrified.

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Thankfully, neighbors spotted him standing at the second-story window, and contacted the Stray Rescue of St. Louis for help.


Rescuers quickly arrived at the house and climbed into the house through the small window. The house was literally falling apart and was filled with garbage and debris.

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They went up the flights of stairs to find the poor pup standing at the top of them. He looked confused and scared, but at the same time, you could tell that he was relieved to finally see people.

Rescuers tossed him some food to gain his trust and let him know that they were there to help. They placed a leash on him and guided him down the stairs to safety.

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They lifted him up out of the basement and through the window before bringing him to their car. They quickly discovered just how friendly and sweet Peeps was.

“He was scared & shy but as soon as you touch him, he melts. He just wants to lean into you and for you to tell him everything will be OK,” Stray Rescue wrote on Twitter. “What a sweetheart.”

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He rested his head on his rescuer’s arm in the car and was now on his way to a new life! He is now enjoying big meals and soft blankets at their shelter. Once he is ready, he will be available for adoption.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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