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Ravaged By Unfair Life, He Withers Away As She Hears The Softest Whimpers

We will never understand what would possess a human being to harm an animal, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Or to neglect one. However, with each story like this one, we work to raise awareness for so many rescue groups that struggle to operate. Donations through word of mouth are everything!

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This is Stud’s story. He lived a horrible life. His rescuers, when they found him, believe his owners had multiple dogs that weren’t fed or treated properly. Stud was dumped in a garbage bag on the streets in a busy city in Egypt. A Good Samaritan found him, near death, and called HOPE – Egyptian Baladi Rescue & Rehabilitation.


The kind woman stayed with Stud until the rescuers came. She gave him chicken and water. He tried to eat but was too weak.

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When rescuers arrived, they were devastated by Stud’s condition. His health was critical and he was unable to stand. They carried him to their car and took him straight to the vet. The vet confirmed what they suspected, he was dehydrated and malnourished.

Stud also had deep dog bites all over his body. What happened to this poor boy? Was it dogfight related? Were the other dogs just so hungry they didn’t know what to do? Stud also had mange and an eye issue that needed to be addressed immediately.

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For his well-being, Stud became a temporary resident at Pets Valley Maadi Branch. He can get the best medical treatment there. This would be a long road for Stud but he continues to prove to his caregivers that he wants to live. He’s motivated to eat, which is an excellent sign. He’s also a snuggler. They all wonder if he was ever shown kindness or love… Look at him! He now has energy to stand and go for short walks. This is a very big deal!

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As Stud continued to improve (YAY!), with excellent medical treatment through donations, he was ready to go onto his foster home. He will need weekly vet visits, but being in a home is the best thing for his spirit.

It took an entire year for Stud to get a clean bill of health. His foster mom is elated as is all his caregivers and rescuers! The best news yet: Stud found a forever home in America!

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Stud landed on American soil! He’s officially adopted! The dog that was discarded like trash, like he was worthless, is now headed into the best life imaginable. His new family is so happy to welcome him. Here’s to a happy life, Stud.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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