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Owners Dump Dog Because He Wobbles After Ingesting Their Meth & Opiates

Pasado’s Safe Haven saves a lot of animals from being euthanized, and Finnegan is the latest pooch to enter the facility in Sultan, Washington, writes ilovemydogsomuch

What makes Finnegan’s story so unique is he has a history of toxic drug ingestion due to the neglect of his former owners. The poor dog was abandoned after years of accidental ingestion of drugs believed to be opiates and methamphetamines.

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Finnegan would likely have perished if he stayed with his previous owners much longer. Although the drugs have taken a toll on his body and left him with a wobbly gait, his rescuers call him “perfectly imperfect.”


“He licks our faces during vet visits, he wags his tail as hard as he can (we call it a serious case of “happy tail”), and he shows us nothing but love and affection despite his difficult past,” Pasado’s Safe Haven wrote on Facebook with an adorable video of Finnegan.

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When he was first abandoned, he was taken to a municipal shelter in the area where he stood a high chance of being put down. Since Pasado stepped in, his life changed for the better since they are a no-kill facility. He will live at the facility until he finds a forever home to call his own. for more about Finnegan, visit the Pasado Safe Haven website and watch the video below.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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