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He Said She Had No Soul & Deserved Nothing, Locked Her Away In Makeshift House

In a daring rescue by an amazing man, Viktor Larkhill, he and his volunteers risked their own safety to save a dog that was living in hell, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The big dog, who only wanted a good life, was locked behind the gates of a large landfill.

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Her days were spent laying around in debris or hiding in a makeshift dog house made from tarp and metal rods.


This is not a life for a dog. This is just cruel.

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Late one night, when the landfill guards were off-duty, the rescue team devised a plan to break in and rescue the dog. They named the dog Maya. Maya was timid, despite her large size. It was obvious she had never had medical care and she was overly bred.

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The rescuers cut the lock off of the gates and ran as fast as they could to Maya. They took her from the horrible place she called home. She was malnourished and covered in wounds and mange. After driving her away from the landfill, she was taken to the medical center where she was placed in the critical care unit.

That is when something remarkable happened. The vet assistants left Maya’s kennel door open so she could scope out her new surroundings. She began to wag her tail for the first time. She made her way over to one of the workers and showed her exactly what she had been craving for so long: LOVE

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A dog, who was never shown one bit of affection or even a drop of kindness, had so much love to give.

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She welcomed each and every gentle touch.

Then Maya rolled onto her back to show just how calm she is… just how much she appreciates the woman’s loving touch.

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Rumors circulated about this ‘landfill dog’ — while she lived in deplorable conditions, through the cold, through the rain and powerful flooding. They said she shouldn’t be touched. They said she was just a lowly guard dog who didn’t need anything more than a meal a day. That couldn’t be further from the truth!

Maya needed, and craved, a real life surrounded by loving people. The light inside her that never had a chance to ignite began to shine so brightly. Her story will make your heart soar! Click the video below to see Maya’s rescue and experience her love firsthand.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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