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Woman Spotted ‘Odd Shape’ In Park Field, Cried Out As She Put Her Hand Inside

Animal rescuer, Judy Obregon, spends most of her days looking for dogs that have been left behind by callous owners. These dogs weren’t even important enough to their callous owners to be properly surrendered. Instead, they are dumped on roadsides, in parks, and pretty much anywhere you can imagine, writes ilovemydogsomuc

On this particular day, Judy was headed to a popular dumping ground despite being under the weather and tempted to stay home in bed. As she drove, she saw a strange object out of the corner of her eye. She pulled over to find a pet house.

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Maybe someone was just disposing of it and it was empty. But Judy knew she had to investigate thoroughly because you never know. Especially in this part of town. As she walked closer, she saw that the bed inside was soaked through. It was obvious the pet house had been out there a while.


Judy pulled the wet bedding out and that is when she saw a tiny snout. Oh no, not again! There was a dog inside.

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Judy looked closer and could tell that this little snout belonged to a puppy who in obvious distress. Who knows how long this little one was out here! She could be hypothermic by now.

The veteran rescuer gently nudged the dog out of the pet house. That is when she realized that the puppy was in bad shape. She was covered in mange. Her skin was badly infected and looked quite painful. Judy put the puppy in her car and rushed her to the vet.

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Once at the vet, the puppy was estimated to be around 10 months old. The vet diagnosed her with Demodex Mange. Judy decided to name the puppy Najila, or Jila for short, which means soulful eyes in Arabic.

Jila, who was likely abandoned for her medical condition, had lost chunks of fur. To be so cruel and leave a puppy behind like this… is unimaginable. Judy was amazed by the little one’s tenacity as well as her constant wagging tail. It seemed she had so much love to give. She also loved to be held and Judy suspected she was kept outside by her previous owner. She literally craved to be touched and comforted.

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The next step was to place Jila in a medical foster. The puppy would continue her course of medicated baths and antibiotics while she healed. Her new foster family would also show her what it was like to live in a home and feel safe and loved.


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Jila did great in her foster home. She had some bumps in the road medically, but fought hard to overcome each hurdle. The best part is what happens next! Jila found a forever family who absolutely adores her! She’s doing so well and knows that each day will be filled with love and stability. We love a happy ending!

Take the time to watch the video by The Dodo below! Jila’s forever family loves her so much! Wait until you see how she plays with her new human brother! ALL THE FEELS!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuc.tv

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