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Puppy Who Was Hit By Car & Left For Dead Finally Gets A Magical New Beginning

Ouzo was rescued as a young puppy in Karditsa, Greece, back in 2015. He was hit by a car and left for dead on the streets, badly injured and in horrible pain for days on end. He had broken bones and open wounds so severe that his flesh was beginning to rot, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Thankfully, rescuers finally found him and took him to the hospital. His leg was so badly injured that it needed to be amputated. The surgery was a success and he recovered well, but life for Ouzo remained gloomy.

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Ouzo spent the next two years in the shelter, waiting for someone to adopt him. But Ouzo and staff feared that day would never come.


Just when Ouzo believed life at the shelter would be his life forever, his wish came true! He found a forever home!

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Until one day, Ouzo’s wish finally came true! He found a forever home!

“Adoption is like a rebirth in a way,” Valia Orfanidou of The Orphan Pet wrote. “Dogs literally start over when they are rehomed, and as they tend to live in the present rather than the past, new beginnings mean much more to them than they mean to us.”

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And Ouzo’s new beginning was something amazing. He decided to share his story with everyone in his new book, which focuses on lessons he learned every day as he reinvents himself as a beloved pet dog. It helps show people just how important those for few months as a newly adopted dog are!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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