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Puppy Bound In Heavy Chains Left To Die, But Chains Of Love Were Stronger

Just when you think you’ve seen it all in the animal rescue world, some monster comes along and shocks us all, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Andie, an innocent 10-week-old mixed breed pup was left to die amidst piles of trash. She never stood a fighting chance if someone didn’t come along to help her. The pup could not run or flee because she was tethered to a heavy cinderblock with massive logging chains.

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Sadly, the chains were substantially heavier than the weight of the pup. She yelped and barked for help and no one came. She had no protection from the hot sun and was surrounded by filth. Then one day, those chains of horror were removed and Andie was saved.


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) stepped in and took her away from the nightmare.

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Andie was treated for severe mange and found a forever home with a loving family. She has two feline pack mates to hang around with, a stuffed alligator to cherish, and lots of love indoors!

Celebrate this victory and be sure to tell your lucky pets how much you love them. Here’s the video of Andie’s dramatic rescue and recovery.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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