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Man Moved Away And Left His Dog Behind Because He Had No Further Use For Her

Rubbles’ owner picked up and moved to California leaving the poor dog behind in a small mesh kennel. She was scared, confused, and left to fend for herself, writes ilovemydogsomuch

And she was all because the man no longer felt he had any use for her.

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The four-year-old American Bulldog was purchased for breeding purposes, and when she suddenly became unable to get pregnant, her owner didn’t want her. Rubble was left behind in Houston, Texas.


When the owner’s family heard of Rubble’s abandonment, they tried to contact him to no avail. After multiple attempts, they resorted to calling an animal rescue group.

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Alyssa Aguilar showed up to help and was taken aback by the dog’s condition. Rubble was severely emaciated, covered in scabs, and was suffering from some type of eye condition. Alyssa knew she had to get her to the emergency vet clinic immediately.

Despite Rubble’s rough past, she was extremely sweet and very grateful to be rescued. The good girl just wanted love. She was in great spirits and allowed everyone to pet her.

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When Rubble saw the doctor, she weighed in at only 44 pounds. An adult American Bulldog her age should be around 80-100 pounds, so it was very alarming. She was placed on a treatment plan for her severe skin condition and will have surgery to correct her eyelid entropion.

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They have no doubt that after Rubble makes a full recovery she’ll make the perfect pet for one lucky family. The sweet girl deserves this second chance at life, and A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue is bound and determined to make it happen!

You can contact A Chance to Bloom for more information on adopting her.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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