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3 Dogs Were Dumped In a Parking And Left to Starve, Then One Phone Call Changed Everything

What would you do if you saw three dogs curled up in a parking lot, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Sadly, too often people just drive by. Too busy with their lives to stop and help a dog in need. This was the case for these three abandoned Chihuahuas who were left to fend for themselves in a parking lot in South Central Los Angeles.

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Thanks to one caring passerby, Hope for Paws got a call about these poor little angels and was quick to respond to the scene to rescue them.

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In the video, Hope for Paws patiently and gently rescues these little sweeties coaxing them with food and getting them into a crate for transport. At one point an elderly woman comes by to say she had been feeding them as she could, but the dogs clearly suffered from malnutrition; their ribs were easy to see against their taut skin.


I can only imagine how scared and hungry they must have been. Watching their rescue, with them having no idea that their life is about to completely change, is very moving. You can see how scared they are, but they’re so hungry that they’re willing to take the risk.

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The three Chihuahuas were taken to back to Hope for Paws where they were cleaned up, treated, and given the love they deserve. They were named Brooklyn, Marty, and little Penny. Sadly, Penny died four days later from heart failure. We can only find comfort in knowing that she spent her last days being waited on hand and foot and getting more love and affection than she probably ever received.

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Brooklyn and Marty went to a foster home arranged through another rescue, Wags and Walks, where they were eventually adopted together and given a permanent “home sweet home!” A truly happy ending for these two sweethearts.

Please, if you see a stray dog, or anything out of the ordinary, call it in. Don’t just pass by. It could be the call that saves their lives and changes their future forever.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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