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Woman Left Her Blind Deaf 15-Yr-Old Pug In Box At Walmart Then Walked Away

Our pets are for life, despite their challenges or ours. Surely this woman didn’t get the memo! A dog owner in Ohio is facing up to 90 days in jail for doing the unthinkable! She left her 15-year-old Pug in a box in a Walmart parking lot, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The poor pup, named Agnes, is also blind and deaf. Can you imagine how scared she was?

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The 52-year-old heartless dog owner was charged with abandoning an animal which is a second-degree misdemeanor. If sentenced, she faces up to 90 days in jail and up to a $750 fine.


This all occurred on November 30. The frightened Pug was found in the Walmart parking lot in Wadsworth, Ohio. Agnes was immediately taken to a vet and it was confirmed she had a double ear infection.

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Agnes is now living with a foster family that is doing all they can to make the senior dog as comfortable as possible. In fact, they have decided to adopt her so she can live her remaining days feeling safe and loved.

Agnes’ owner is set to go before a judge for sentencing on January 30th.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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