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Woman Advances On Puppy Just Hit By Car But His Gut Tells Him To Try & Run

A sweet innocent puppy met with a tragic fate one day when he was struck by a car, writes ilovemydogsomuch

What devastates us is that the driver continued on his way as if nothing happened. The puppy was hurt and scared. He crawled to the side of the road and just laid there, hoping someone would help him.

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When rescuers showed up, after people heard him crying, he was unsure if they were there to help or hurt him further. His eyes grew wide with uncertainty but the rescuers knew he’d have to get over his fear in order for them to help him. They picked the puppy up by the nape so they didn’t injure him further. It was time for this little guy to get to the vet clinic to be evaluated.


Once at the clinic, the puppy is examined carefully. His injuries are minor but his back legs hurt the most. The vet administers pain meds. He will now be able to rest comfortably. The puppy is put carefully in a kennel and after a proper meal, falls to sleep.

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After three full days of treatment and rest, his recovery is quite remarkable. He found a forever home with one of his rescuers and is happily exploring his new digs. He even smiles as he sniffs around. He knows he’s now safe and he’ll never be on his own again.

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This story, like so many others, shows the reality homeless animals face on a daily basis. They are forced to fend for themselves while up against dangerous scenarios that lurk everywhere. Let’s do our part and support the homeless animal community. Local rescues and shelters are often looking for volunteers and foster homes. If you can open your heart and home, please do so.

Check out the puppy’s rescue in the video below and don’t forget to share. This pup’s smile at the end is precious! His story is proof that every life is worth saving!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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