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Pup’s Paws Cut Off, Bound With Duct Tape & Tossed Away Like Trash

After working in pet rescue for 10 years, the folks at Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue thought they’d seen it all. Sadly, a precious puppy named Lady Mae crossed their paths and the rescuers could not believe their eyes, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A local family from the Vinton, Louisiana area found Lady Mae with both of her front paws cut off and wrapped tightly in duct tape. They immediately took her to Renee Smith, founder of the Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue group.

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At this point, no one knows why the pup’s paws were cut off and whether it was on purpose or by accident, but both legs were infected when she was found.


“You know, it’s so hard to tell,” Smith shared. “Unfortunately, in rescue, I have seen that this has been a trend happening more and more so I can’t say for sure that it wasn’t intentional. But, well, because we didn’t see it happen we can’t say it was either.”

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The road to recovery won’t be an easy one for Lady Mae, but Smith vows to help her every step of the way. She will need surgery to remove bone and then a wheelchair with eventual prosthetic legs.

Many people are asking about adopting the pup, but it will be a while before that can happen. Smith admits the pup has a lot of healing to do.

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We wish you all the best in your recovery, Lady Mae. Learn more about her story by visiting the Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue Facebook page.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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