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Zookeepers Gift Animals With Recycled Christmas Trees Stuffed With Goodies

Animals housed at the Brookfield Zoo in Brookfield, Illinois received a gift that brightened their spirits and entertained visitors. Organizations and corporations in the area donated almost 650 Christmas trees to the zoo, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Instead of throwing them out, the trees were repurposed to provide fun and entertainment for the animals.

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One of the zoo’s polar bears, a handsome guy named Hudson, was gifted with a Christmas tree decorated with fish. Stuffed in different parts of the tree were vegetables with a head of lettuce on top. Visitors videotaped and snapped photos of Hudson’s adorable antics.

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Reindeer aren’t only popular during the holidays, as they call the zoo their permanent home. Both the reindeer and bison pushed the trees around and rubbed their antlers on the conifers.

Of course, the meat-eating Amur tiger, wasn’t left out of the fun. His perfume-scented tree was adorned with chunks of meat throughout, which were quickly devoured.

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Watch these appreciative animals take part in the post-Christmas fun in the video below!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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