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Shelters Struggle As Dogs “Gifted” During Christmas Get Surrendered Within Days

Gifting pets has become quite a trend for the holiday season, but one shelter from North Dakota has shared the horrifying truth behind most of these so-called “gift” pets, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The shelter has revealed that a large number of dogs are being returned back to the shelter just days after Christmas.

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The workers feel helpless and frustrated over this situation, but there is nothing they can do to reassure the dogs. Dogs easily get attached to their new families, which is why they are crippled with a feeling of being “unwanted and unloved” when they are returned.


The shelter recommends getting puppies after the New Year, when the fireworks and the party-spirit slows down and it becomes easier for dogs to adjust to new homes, and they don’t just become “seasonal” gifts.

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The shelter has requested people to avoid gifting dogs without the knowledge of the ultimate owner. Dogs are not toys, and their feelings get badly hurt if things don’t work out.

Caring for dogs is a lifelong commitment and the prospective owner must be ready for that. It’s just not right to give these poor creatures false hope. Let’s spread the word so people think twice before gifting dogs for Christmas!

Click the video below to watch a report on the shelter’s surrendered dogs.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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