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Owner Ties Dog In Open Pickup Truck, Dog Suffers In Biting Cold Under Snowfall

A viral photo from Parker, Colorado, has sparked a debate on the well-being of dogs in hostile weather conditions, writes ilovemydogsomuch

This photo captures a freezing Malamute dog on the back of an open pickup truck on a day when the area was hit by a snowstorm.

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This picture was taken by a motorist who was heartbroken over the plight of the dog blanketed in a pile of snow. The poor dog was shivering in the wind and 16F temperature, but his apathetic owner didn’t care at all and kept driving. While many people have remarked that Malamutes are “used to” cold weather, vets have confirmed that they are still at the risk of frostbites.


The Colorado State Patrol officers who weighed in on the issue claim that the owner did nothing “illegal” by carrying the dog in the back of the open pickup track. However, they have accepted that the situation can take the form of animal abuse if the dog is found sick or hurt.

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While Malamutes withstand the cold better than other breeds, it is still disturbing to see an owner disregard the safety and comfort of his dog who has nowhere to go. Let’s help the authorities locate the owner of this dog and the pickup truck. Spread the word.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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