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Lonely 12-Year-Old Dog Gets Special Gift, Behaves ‘Like A Kid’ On Christmas Day

Losing a beloved dog is hard on everyone and one of the hardest parts of being a dog parent. Dogs also grieve their canine family members when they pass away, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When Rosie the Golden Retriever died, her pack mate, Cash, was lonely. His parents decided to make Cash’s day and surprise him with a new puppy.

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Thanks to Jay and Marie Ahonen, this video is a viral sensation. Cash waits for his dad by the door, but he has no idea what he’s about to receive.


We see Jay set the box down while his wife, Marie, captures the magic on video. Cash can smell that something awesome is in the box, and then suddenly, peek-a-boo, a Golden puppy appears!

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Cash is so excited, he can hardly contain himself. Just like a kid on Christmas morning, he is prancing and running around with joy. He sniffs the puppy, and it’s confirmed that a friendship has been formed.

Watch this joyful celebration when the broken heart of an old dog is given the chance to love once again!

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source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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