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Hundreds Of Animals Given As Christmas Gifts Are Dumped At Shelters After Holidays

While some people think giving pets to others for Christmas is a thoughtful gift, it may not be the best idea, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The person receiving the dog or cat may not be ready to care for one or may not even know how to. Because of this, many animal shelters have unfortunately seen a spike in pet returns since the holidays.

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The SPCA Northside shelter in Cincinnati has had eight animals brought back to them since Christmas because the recipient was not ready to care for a pet.


Another shelter, Smitty’s Cat Rescue, in Virginia, has received 34 phone calls plus many emails, from people wanting to surrender their Christmas kittens.

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Many shelters are unable to take back animals that were adopted out because they have new ones that they’ve taken in since then and they don’t have the space to take back the others.

Lynne Layton, owner of Smitty’s, says many people just dump their cats on the rescue’s doorstep and leave.

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Adopting a dog or cat may be cheap price-wise, but the amount of time, energy and love that it requires is endless. It’s not an easy decision and it’s one that someone has to put thought into and prepare for.

Letting someone choose their own pet or having the pet choose them is the best way to go. If you already have a pet, it’s also important to see if they will get along with the new pet before you adopt them.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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