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He Was Told To “Stay” With Their Trash When They Left Him & Guard It With His Life

When you see neighbors packing up to move, you will often see things dragged to the curb as they clean up. Trash and old furniture are often left behind, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Things they do not want. But rarely do you see this:

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An actual family member left on an old mattress with no clue as to what is going on. Innocent and totally dependent on his family for basic necessities. Left behind and unaware as to why.


As unbelievable as it sounds, this very thing happened in Detroit. Mike Diesel, founder of Detroit Youth & Dog Rescue saw a post on Facebook featuring the dog and it broke his heart. The poor pup was curled up on the old dirty mattress, fast asleep.

Diesel told The Detroit News when he got to the house the neighbors said that the family had been gone a long time. Some neighbors claimed they were gone a week. Others said it had been an entire month! “They came back one time, took the belongings that they chose to keep, unfortunately, that wasn’t Boo,” Diesel told WXYZ in Detroit.

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The neighbors gave the Pit Bull mix, which Diesel named Boo, some food and water. A friend of Diesel’s who came with him to see Boo, Liz Marie, posted photos of the sad pup on Facebook. “This picture absolutely breaks my heart, I am literally in tears. Meet Boo, this beautiful boy was left behind with the trash and belongings when the family moved out. He stayed right by their stuff and never left it, confused and lonely.”

Boo refused to leave the curb. He stayed by the family’s belongs that smelled like them, thinking they come back.“That’s why Boo was staying close to the belongings and the mattress he possibly slept on and the smells he was comfortable with and knew,” Diesel told The Detroit News.

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Once Diesel tried to get Boo to come with him, he realized just how traumatized the dog was. It took Boo a lot of bribes, and time, to trust Diesel. He’d give him McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches to get him to come near him. Boo would come close, take a nibble, then run right back to his family’s possessions. He was guarding their belongings, loyally, convinced they would come back for their stuff… and for him.

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Finally, Diesel was able to get Boo to trust him, “Getting him to know my voice, getting him to know that I wasn’t going to hurt him, getting him to know that he could trust humans again,” he told WXYZ. Diesel was finally able to put a lead on Boo so he could bring him to the Groesbeck Animal Hospital. After a thorough exam there, they realized Boo had heartworm. He was immediately put on a treatment regiment.

The staff was pretty taken aback by Boo’s disposition considering what had happened to him. One of the vet techs that treated Boo told WXYZ, “He is wonderful, you would think that he would be scared and fearful of people, but he came in here wagging his tail.”

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Next, Boo found a foster home. Diesel was pleased with his progress and made sure to visit often. Boo had been through a lot but thankfully bonded immediately to his foster mom. His foster mom did the best thing for Boo– she adopted him! She didn’t want him to feel abandoned by anyone ever again!

Diesel told WXYZ, “Dogs are amazingly loyal. If we could get human beings to show anywhere near that much compassion, we’d be living in a much better world.”

So why share Boo’s story three years later? Because Boo continues to do great! He is a good boy and a wonderful family member even though he was viewed by his original owners as worthless.

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This means that so many unwanted animals, that were viewed as unworthy, broken or just plain invisible, are waiting for homes right this very minute and deserve to be adopted.

Now, more than ever, animal shelters (and foster homes) are at their max. They are so overcrowded, in fact, that they are reaching out to other shelters and fosters out of state! Dogs that have already been through so much are being moved around to accommodate space. And kill shelters… well… you already know what this means when too many animals move in and not enough get adopted.

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Please, take a page from Boo’s book, and remember that shelter dogs aren’t broken. They just have a story to tell!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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