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Dog Lost His Beloved Doggie Sister So Dad Decided To Cheer Him Up On Christmas

Marie Ahonen and her family were devastated when they lost Rosie, their sweet and affectionate Chihuahua-mix. But it was Cash, their Golden Retriever, who completely “slowed down” after Rosie’s death. Cash was depressed and lonely all the time, and his parents feared that he would fall sick at this rate, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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3 years after Rosie’s passing, the family finally decided to get a new puppy for the 12-year-old Cash. They knew that at this point, Cash badly needed a companion to find his will to live again. The family picked the perfect puppy and planned a big surprise for Cash before Christmas Day.

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In this video, we see Dad walking into the room with a beautifully gift-wrapped box in his hand. Cash excitedly follows Dad and waits for him to open the box. The moment the puppy peeks out of the box, Cash’s heart skips a beat! His eyes sparkle for the first time in years, and he slowly inches closer to have a better look at the puppy!

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Cash feels the force of life run through his veins again as he scampers around sniffing the puppy. He endearingly gives the little one a kiss, and opens the doors of his broken heart for him! Cash is back to his old self now, and he spends his days looking after his tiny sibling and being the best big brother. We wish this duo a lot of happy years together!

Click the video below to watch Cash’s heartwarming reaction at the sweet puppy surprise!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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