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Bus Driver Spots Lost Dogs In The Cold, Gets Them Home In Time For Christmas

On a cold, dark night in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a seasoned bus driver was at the end of her shift when she saw something on the side of the road. As Jamie Grabowski got closer, she realized it was a pair of dogs. And they were all alone, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The dogs were shivering from the cold. Jamie knew they needed help so she jammed on the brakes. What happened next wasn’t just kindhearted and compassionate, it was a Christmas blessing!

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As the bus surveillance video will show, Jamie opens the window and shouts to the dogs, “You two need to go home, right now!” Then she gets out and ushers both dogs aboard. They look a bit confused but then relieved.


The dogs adorably sniff around, curious about all the new smells. Jamie calls dispatch and tells them what just happened. The dispatchers notify police. Jamie tells the dogs, after she hangs up, “Come here, babies! I know. Come here. I’m going to get you home.” She then plays with the pups until the police arrive.

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The pups must’ve been so grateful to run into an animal lover when they were really in need. The two dogs were taken to animal control where they were already alerted that their family had been searching for them all night! Jamie is hailed a hero. And a Christmas miracle-worker!

“It turns out that the dogs had somehow gotten out of their family’s yard two-and-a-half miles away from where Jamie found them,” transit officials wrote. “Jamie, an avid animal lover who jokes that she’s a ‘dog whisperer,’ said she is happy she was in the right place at the right time to help the two ‘very good boys.’”

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Our favorite part of the video (besides the rescuing, of course!), Jamie says, “My dogs are going to be so mad when I get home,” as she pets the pups and gets kisses, “Yea they’re going to be so very mad at me!”

Thank you, Jamie, for saving these sweet boys, and Merry Christmas!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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