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Timid Dog Roaming The Streets Evaded Rescuers – Til Her Guardian Angel Showed Up

Hope For Paws received a call about a timid abandoned dog who was roaming the streets, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Rescuers arrived at the scene to try and capture her, but it proved to be a very difficult task. The nervous dog evaded rescuers at all costs.

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They tried giving her a cheeseburger but as soon as anyone got closer to her, she would run away. She kept crossing streets, so rescuers knew they had to get her so she wouldn’t get hit by any cars.


Despite running away each time, she always went back to the same location where they found her. They knew setting up a trap at this location was their best bet.

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Rescuers then met a woman who lived nearby and said she always pet and fed the dog. This woman was the only person that this little pup trusted. Thanks to her, she was able to get the pup to go into the crate.

The pup wagged her tail as soon as she saw the woman. She was definitely her guardian angel!

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They named the pup Maya and brought her back to their clinic where they gave her a much-needed bath to rid of all the fleas, ticks, and dirt.

After receiving proper medical care, Maya went to live in a foster home where she settled in very quickly. She made new doggy friends and is so happy to finally be safe, warm and off the streets!

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If you’re interested in adopting sweet Maya, please contact:www.LoveJoyFoundation.org.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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