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Small Dog Tormented By Savages Who Severed Her Ears & Abandoned Her In Streets

Popsicle is an adorable 1-year-old Dachshund/Pit Bull mix who had a very rough and abusive start to life. When officers found the dog in Albuquerque, New Mexico, both of her ears were severed, she was bleeding, had a swollen hind leg, and bloodshot eyes, writes ilovemydogsomuch

“The officer did assess the dog, called the dog over to kind of get an idea of the extent of the injuries, found that the dog was limping when approached,” according to Lt. Thomas Romero, spokesperson for the Animal Welfare Department.

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The dog’s ears were badly infected and she had no stitches to try and close the gaping wounds.


Romero reminds the general public to speak out and help Animal Control give a voice to animals like Popsicle who cannot speak for themselves.

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He also is amazed that sweet Popsicle still likes people, wags, her tail, and is kind around everyone she meets. The shelter named her Popscicle shortly after she arrived.

“If a person approaches the cage, the animal is still happy to see that person, tail wagging, approaches them,” Romero shared. “So that speaks a lot for we put these animals through, sometimes what these people do.”

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According to the Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers Facebook page, “If you have any information call Crime Stoppers (505) 843-STOP or submit anonymous tips at P3tips.com/531.”

We wish this precious pup a speedy recovery and a forever home where she can be loved and doted upon.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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