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Man Adopts Mutt Off The Streets, Realizes Her Breed When She Gets Older

A man got word of a homeless puppy up for adoption and decided to go have a look. Once he saw her, he just had to have her. She was a stunningly beautiful dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch

No one knew exactly what mix she was, but as she got older and grew up, her breed would be revealed.

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The man adopted the fluffy stray and took her home. He named her Phoebe.

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She made an amazing pet and had a great personality, but he never knew just what type of dog she was.

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…until she started growing up. As she got older, Phoebe’s Husky/Golden Retriever mix was revealed!

The older and bigger she got, the more and more apparent it became. She’d end up looking a lot like the one pictured here.

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Here’s another example of a Husky/Golden Retriever mix. Not as fluffy as Phoebe, but still beautiful. Just look at those eyes!

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What a special rescue Phoebe turned out to be! Isn’t she a looker?

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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