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Family Left Dog On The Streets After 10-Years When They Moved, And Had To Fend For Herself

When Esther’s family moved away, they sadly left her behind, despite her being a part of their family for the last ten years, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She was left to fend for herself on the streets, and her appearance made it obvious that she had a rough time. Without proper medical care for so long, she wound up getting sarcastic mange, tick bite fever, and had lost teeth.

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Thankfully, she was rescued by Sidewalk Specials and brought her to Vet Point for treatment. There, she ate her first meal in a very long time and was finally treated the way she deserved.


Because of Esther’s age and all of her other ailments, they assumed finding a home for her would be impossible, but that soon proved to be very wrong!

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Esther has since found a loving forever home with a new doggy sister named Lulah.

Looking at Esther now, you would never believe that she was the same sick dog rescued off the streets months prior.

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She loves playing with her sister, going for walks, and cuddling with her humans. She is so spoiled and is living the life!

Her transformation just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover. Esther turned out to be such a beautiful dog, and there are plenty of other dogs like her who are waiting for forever homes in shelters!

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Watch Esthers rescue & makeover in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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