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Dog Abandoned To The Streets Looked Nothing Like His Former Self When Found

DAR Animal Rescue was out on another mission when they came across a dog looking a little worse for wear, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He was abandoned on the streets and left to fend for himself, and he obviously looked way different than the dog he once was. The lead rescuer, named Ermioni, worked to gain his trust and then get him to the vet for a thorough checkup. And to finally see what this dog really looked like…

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At times it was even hard to tell which end was which. But once they started grooming and cutting, the boy was revealed to them little by little. With all of this fur gone, he had to feel much lighter and much cleaner! Underneath it all, the rescuers couldn’t believe their eyes!

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“We named him Mourgos, wasn’t easy to catch him as he was trying to bite in every chance. Had no microchip. He had all the necessary health check, vaccines etc before he leaves the clinic. We were very happy that his future is bright,” they said in a statement on YouTube.

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Mourgos is a brand new dog today and so curious as to what this life has to offer. And the best news of all? It’s reported that a kind lady adopted him into her home! It’s a well-deserved second chance at life.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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