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Disgusting Owners Throw Starving Dog Out On The Streets Just Before Christmas

Joseph the dog was found struggling to survive all alone on the streets of Philadelphia, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He seemed to have no idea how to fend for himself or look for food. It is assumed that he was dumped by his owners in the woods near the “Please Touch Museum” in Fairmount Park, as he kept lurking around that place.

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Joseph was rescued by “Noah’s Ark Rescue Project and Sanctuary”, and the shelter quickly shared his story on their social media. People were deeply disturbed by Joseph’s cruel abandonment just before Christmas. The dog’s protruding bones also indicated that he never had a great life with his previous owners.


Apart from his emaciated state, Joseph was also suffering from dehydration, parasitic infections and a raw skin. The caretakers are now focusing on helping the 2-year-old dog gain weight. Joseph is currently living with his foster mom, and he will be up for adoption once he gets a clean health bill.

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Getting rescued has been like a Christmas miracle for Joseph, as he no longer has to go without food and love. However, the little pup is still shy and skittish. His foster mom hopes that he will warm up to her love and blossom into a confident and playful boy. If you have any information on his previous owners, do contact the authorities. Let’s get the word out and help find his disgusting owners!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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