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Alone On The Streets For So Long, This Dog Didn’t Know He Missed A Human’s Touch

Life for Russell sure wasn’t easy. He lived alone on the streets for so long that he didn’t know what it was like to be touched by a human or what it felt like to be loved. He could only fend for himself, but little did he know his life was about to change forever, writes ilovemydogsomuch

These would be the first moments of the rest of his life.

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It would be Deity Animal Rescue to arrive on scene with the goal that the dog would never have to spend another night alone out here. It would take some time as the boy was understandably scared and hesitant, but rescuers crated him and took a moment to let him know things were going to get better. A lot better!


Russell had no microchip, but he was starting to open up to the rescuers and seemed grateful for all their help. And then the day had come that he never could’ve dreamed of; a loving family thought he was just perfect, and they wanted to adopt him into their home! This is the life he was always meant to live, so be sure and see Russell in his forever home in the video below.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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