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Mama Dog Cries & Wails After Monster Takes Her Newborns & Throws Them In A Field

A pair of good Samaritans happened to be in an area where a litter of nine innocent puppies was abandoned, writes

The little furbabies were scared, alone, and very hungry, so the kind folks stopped to feed them. Although the couple was unable to take the pups with them, they noticed someone made a tent to protect them from the elements.

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The pups could not get enough food in their empty bellies. The couple came back the next day with food and water, but they noticed one pup was laying alone and was very depressed. They took him to the vet for a checkup and discovered he had some stomach issues. The couple was determined to help the remaining babies, so they posted images of the pups on their Instagram feed, Love Furry Friends Rescue.


Amazingly, they received a call from a family who recognized the litter. Apparently, a stray dog gave birth in their backyard, so they fed the mom and her little ones for close to two months. Sadly, an angry neighbor took the puppies out of the yard and drove off with them. It is believed that cruel person abandoned the helpless babies in the field. Things were about to change for them.

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The family who helped the pups came out to the scene, and with the good Samaritans, they loaded them into their vehicle. They were able to reunite the mama dog with her litter, and she was so excited to see them! She began to wail and cry with happiness. One can only imagine what she felt when the monster took her babies, but now they were together again.

The rescue group plans to find homes for the puppies, and the family who helped the mama dog decided to permanently adopt her. We love a happy ending! Watch all the joy in the video below.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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