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Labrador hugs his owner after surgery

Pets are a part of our life. And even the thought of losing them one day upsets us. When a pet’s parent is faced with the prospect that his dog needs surgery, moments of anxiety and stress are guaranteedl, writes mediaarmm

This is exactly what happened to the man who found out that his dog had a lump on his neck. And he needed an emergency operation.

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Soulful pictures captured the emotional reunion of the dog with the owner after the operation. During the operation, the owner did not leave the hospital. He was waiting every minute for his best friend to come back to him.


When the operation was successful, it was a moment of tears for both the dog and the owner. His dog, with stitches on his neck, hugged the owner and did not let go. A man and a dog don’t stop kissing.

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The father is so happy that his dog is back that he can’t help but hug him. This is a touching moment between a man and his best friend.

A Labrador named Jack Daniel had to undergo surgery to remove a lump from his neck.

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Source: mediaarmm.ru

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