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Evil Breeder Cruelly Dumped Dog To Die In A Desert When She Outlived Her Purpose

A 3-year-old Cocker Spaniel named Dorothy had spent all her life in the custody of a backyard breeder, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The breeder continuously exploited her for puppies, and then mercilessly dumped her in a desert when she had served her purpose. Poor Dorothy would wag her tail at every passerby and beg to be rescued.

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Thankfully, J.J. Woffin’ Paws Rescue Agency saved Dorothy just when she was about to collapse from exhaustion and dehydration. However, the rescuers never expected her to be in such a bad state from severe neglect. Her matted fur had entwined her legs, while bugs, sticks and telephone wires were entangled in her fur and causing her further discomfort.


At the vet’s, Dorothy would tear up in pain whenever they touched her. Eventually, they had to sedate her to shave her clean. Dorothy already had a wounded eye, but the staff was heartbroken to discover even more abusive wounds hidden beneath her fur.

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Her previous owner had gone to great lengths to put her through hell! Dorothy recovered from her injuries magically within the next few weeks. Since she was never loved before, she enjoyed every moment of being adored and petted by the humans around her. Let’s help this sweet girl get adopted. Spread the word.

Update: In a recent update we’ve learned that Dorothy has been adopted! The sweet girl not only healed her body and soul, but also won the hearts of the family who decided to adopt her. She is now renamed “Abbey Road”, and is a joyful butterfly in her new home! We’re so happy for Dorothy!

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Click the video below to watch Dorothy’s journey after being dumped in the desert!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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