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Cruelly Neglected Dog Chained Up In Yard Was So Anxious, She Chewed Her Own Tail

Roxx may look happy and healthy now, but she’s come a long way to get here, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Roxx was found tied up to a telephone cable in a backyard. She was so exhausted and confused that she was chewing up her own tail. Her owners purposely left her out there and did not care at all for her well-being.

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A Rescue Paws Curacao Foundation volunteer would often drive by the yard and see Roxx. One day, she didn’t see her there anymore, so she went to explore the situation. She then saw her in the back of the yard. Her owners didn’t want her anymore, so she took her to get her immediate help.


Rescuers brought her to the vet, where they found out she had Lyme’s disease and anemia. She was so malnourished to the extent you could see every single rib. She was also very dehydrated, and was so weak that she couldn’t walk.

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In addition to her physical pain, she had also given birth to many litters of puppies in the past, one of which was born stillborn and thrown away like garbage. This hurt Roxx mentally and emotionally.

The vet treated Roxx accordingly and sent her to live with a foster family. After a few weeks of healing, she was already looking and feeling so much better. She finally felt love and comfort for the first time in her life. After being around people more often, she began to break out of her shell.

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She has put on so much weight since she was rescued and she looks so much healthier. She was also put through a training program to help her with her skills and basic commands. Not only is she great with humans, but she also does well with other dogs. She has made so many new doggy friends and even lives with a dog who has become her best friend!

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No dog deserves to live a life chained up outside. If this is ever something you witness, contact officials or a local rescue immediately. Thankfully, Roxx was rescued and got her second chance. She is finally living the wonderful life she deserves. She’ll never have to worry about being neglected or unwanted ever again!

Watch Roxx’s rescue and transformation in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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