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Cruel Thugs Pour Hot Tar On Puppies And Then Left Them For Dead

Some of the stories we write about affect us as deeply as they affect you. It’s a hard thing to write about but awareness is key. This story is infuriating but must be told so that the madness can stop, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Four innocent puppies were discovered covered in burning hot tar on most of their tiny bodies.

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The four lay together, desperate for help, in the city of Isai of northeastern Romania.


In times of despair and sadness, the Good Samaritans of the world turn the focus to kindness. The Sky Foundation for Animal Rights heard about the situation and intervened right away. They were anesthetized for tar removal and moved from critical to stable condition.

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Although these pups were cared for, it wasn’t the first time dogs were abused with hot tar in Romania. It happened in the summer of 2016 and now it happened again.

Cătălin Pavaliu, founder of the organization, told The Daily Mail, “We’re starting to think there’s someone in the city who does these kinds of cruel acts on purpose.”

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Tortured and starving dogs are a problem in the country, and we are grateful for kind activists and people who step up to save their lives.

The pups were treated, then stayed at the clinic for a week to ensure their health continued to improve.

Then they were put up for adoption. ALL the pups have made a total recovery and are back to being happy, playful puppies.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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