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Cruel Children Cover Pup In Glue, But His Transformation Is Miraculous

A stray puppy named Pascal was tortured and dragged through dirt by some children in Istanbul, Turkey, wites ilovemydogsomuch

They then proceeded to pour industrial glue all over his fur and left him to die.â

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When rescuers from the He’Art of Rescue International found the 4-month-old puppy in a cardboard box, he was in such bad shape that he didn’t even look like a dog anymore. They examined him and discovered his feet were broken and the thick glue had cut off blood supply to parts of his body. To top it off, he also had a blood infection.


He was rushed to the hospital where the vets decided the only way to save him was to shave off his fur entirely. And so they did. The shave exposed Pascal’s raw red skin underneath.

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Even though he was scared to be around humans, the loving workers dedicated much of their time to him and gave him treatments every day. After a few weeks, he slowly began to recover.

During his recovery process, Pascal also began to slowly put his trust in humans again. We’re glad this cute pup is in safe hands now and won’t have to relive his horrid past ever again.

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Click the video below to watch Pascal’s amazing transformation.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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