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When A Street Dog’s Owner Finally Finds Him He Cries With Joy

A man GIORGI Bereziani of Tbilisi, Georgia, lost his beloved dog Jorge three years ago. He hunted for his friend but couldn’t find him, and he felt he’d never see him again until he got a call about a dog that looked eerily identical to his pet, writes doginspiration

Mr Bereziani arrived as swiftly as he could, hoping to find his long-lost friend. When he approached a dog lying on the sidewalk, he screamed out Jorge’s name, and one of the most emotional reunions we’ve ever witnessed followed. The dog looks up after a few moment and recognizes his long-lost owner.

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Mr Bereziani is encircled by Jorge’s front paws as he tears and cuddles him.

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No one knows how Jorge managed to live those years as a stray on the streets, but he, like his owner, may have been sustained by the hope of one day being reunited. That last photo is brimming with love and affection. I’m ecstatic that they’ve reconciled. They must be happy to be back together

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He searched for his companion but was unsuccessful, and he assumed he would never see his beloved dog again until he received a call about a dog that looked strikingly similar to his pet.

When he approached a dog lying on the sidewalk, he screamed out Jorge’s name, and one of the most emotional reunions we’ve ever witnessed followed.

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After a little moment, the dog glances up and recognizes his long-lost owner. Jorge sobs and cuddles Mr Bereziani, encircling him with his front paws and sobbing in bewilderment.

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No one knows how Jorge managed to live those years as a stray on the streets, but he, like his owner, may have been sustained by the hope of one day being reunited.

Source: doginspiration.com

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