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Exhausted, He Gasps For Air As They Cut Tight Zip Ties Off His Swollen Neck

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A good Samaritan stumbled upon an abandoned dog who was wandering around a rural area in Hardin County, Tennessee with zip ties around his neck, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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They immediately contacted animal protection officers, who rushed the dog to an animal hospital.

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“In this situation, it was purposefully done,” Hardin County Animal Services Director Christopher Sikes told News Channel 5. “The zip ties were pretty fresh and clean, they were put on there and pulled to the max. As soon as you saw her take the zip ties off you could see the dog gasp for air…just relief.”

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They decided to name this sweet pup “Sunny,” and are giving him ’round the clock care.

When he first arrived, his face was extremely swollen, but the swelling has thankfully gone down. He seems to be in good spirits and is eating on his own. He is even playing with the kennel techs and officers.

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Once Sunny is fully healed, he will be put up for adoption.

In the meantime, while Sunny continues his recovery, officers are investigating and trying to find the person who did this. They are hoping someone will come forward with some information on not only who did this, but why they did it.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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