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Tiger Cub Doesn’t Breathe For 2 Min After Birth, Then Mom’s Instincts Take Over

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The miracle of life is a miracle in itself. But when there is an endangered species involved, like the Sumatran tiger, a healthy birth of new cubs is even more critical. The critically endangered tiger is monitored closely at the Australia zoo. The breeding program is essential to the survival of Sumatran tiger but caretakers know that they need to remain at a safe distance while mom is in labor.

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The zoo’s caretakers will only intervene when it’s absolutely necessary. And this particular birth was one where they were unsure of the cub’s survival.


Mom went into labor with twins. But when the first cub was born, he was lifeless. He seemed to whimper at first but then it all stopped. He lied there and mom looked on, unsure what to do. The caretakers, watching from monitors in another room, were at the edge of their seats. They wanted mom to have that time with her baby but would intervene if absolutely necessary.

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Mama tiger licked the cub, and with the gentle force of her tongue, she stimulated his little body just enough to begin to clear his airways. Still, two LONG minutes past. And he wasn’t breathing!

Caretakers waited and waited for his little body to move, for his chest to rise and fall. Finally, he took a breath! Then another! Then another!

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The cub was going to be okay! Mom, although new to this whole birth thing, heroically saved her cub. Her instincts kicked in and she aided his little body to do what it’s meant to do: survive!

Her journey wasn’t over. Twin #2 was on his way next. Would it be an easy delivery? Or challenging like the first? See for yourself in the incredible video below!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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