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Puppy Gets Beaten Senseless By A Demented Monster And Then Thrown Out Of Car

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Locals were left disgusted when they spotted a tiny dumped puppy suffering on the side of a road in St. Louis, Missouri. The haunted little creature was in immense pain as she struggled to move due to obvious injuries. The anxious onlookers grabbed the squirming puppy and rushed her to the “Stray Rescue of St. Louis”, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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The vet staff at the rescue was horrified to discover the puppy’s frightening injuries during her medical examination. The poor thing had multiple fractures in her femur and pelvis, and the heavy bruising on her lungs was also pretty concerning. The vet initially recommended merciful euthanasia for the severely battered puppy due to the expenses involved, but the shelter refused to give up on her.


The puppy has now been named Clairo and she has already won everyone over with her kind and loving personality. When the community learned about Clairo’s heartbreaking plight, they were furious over the mistreatment faced by the wee baby. They are now rallying together to help this sweet girl make a speedy recovery.

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It isn’t exactly clear if Clairo was intentionally thrown from a moving vehicle or was beaten and abused by some demented monster. But for her to heal and have a fair chance at life, she needs an extremely expensive surgery under the supervision of a specialist. If you wish to contribute toward her treatment, you can donate toward the Stray Rescue of St. Louis’ emergency medical fund page here. Let’s get the word out and help little Clairo get her surgery.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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